Greek Islands
დიზაინერი: Assouline
Venturing on an Odyssey of their own, the author and the photographer boarded a traditional Greek sailboat and set out to capture the calming atmosphere, quintessential characters and breathtaking architecture of these gems of the Aegean. A spectacular journey re-created in the pages of Greek Islands.
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Chrysanthos Panas is a businessman, art collector and philanthropist from Athens. He is in the hospitality industry and co-owner, with his brother Spyros, of several well-known clubs and restaurants in Greece, such as Island, Athénée and Salon de Bricolage. He is an expert in destination management and one of the first to use the term “Athens Riviera.”
Katerina Katopis-Lykiardopulo is a photographer, hospitality consultant, travel writer, marathon-runner, aviator and travel aficionado. Her adventures have taken her to more than 110 countries around the globe, but to her, there is no place like Greece. As a member of the team behind some of the country’s premier luxury destinations, she has been instrumental in introducing the concept of branded residences in Greece, for projects such as Amanzoe.
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